قالب وردپرسافزونه وردپرسقالب فروشگاهی وردپرسقالب وردپرسقالب صحیفه

School Sight Testing Program With JAAGO Foundation Rayer Bazar & Korail School

Published by: Eye Care Project-MSS
Published on: 12 November 2017
Author: Team ECP-MSS: Smita Kundu, Liton Rema & Tarikul Ghani
House-119(Flat#A1), Road-4, Block-A, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Contact: 01730024033
Email: eyecareproject.mss@gmail.com, Find us on Facebook: eyecareprojectmss/


Date: October 11-12, 2017 & 5 Nov 2017
Report # SSTP – 01 & 02



Executive Summary:

Eye Care Project of Manabik Shahajya Sangstha (ECP-MSS) in conjunction with the JAAGO Foundation implemented a School Sight Testing Program (SSTP) at Rayer Bazar and Korail Schools of JAAGO Foundation by providing comprehensive eye care service to all the students of the school. SSTP is aimed to identify short sighted and visually impaired school children and provide them treatment, spectacles, medicines, advice and referral services as needed.
An awareness campaign was conducted using posters, flyers and placards. The awareness materials highlighting basic eye care were distributed among the students. A verbal presentation on basic eye care was made in every class room by ECP-MSS team.

Under the SSTP, 756 patients were screened, fifty three (53) spectacles were distributed and eye drops were given to 25 students.

A. The School Sight Testing Program:

Eye Care Project of MSS in conjunction with the JAAGO Foundation conducted SSTP on October 11-12, 2017 at Rayer Bazar and on November 5, 2017 at Korail School of JAAGO Foundation. ECP-MSS provided technical and material assistance for conducting the SSTP and JAAGO aided to organize their students according to class schedule.

B. Technical Team, Equipment:

ECP-MSS provided technical assistance to conduct the SSTP for the students of the school. The technical team comprised one Eye Specialist and one refractionist. Eye testing equipment including vision chart, vision box, auto-refractometer etc. were used. ECP-MSS staff provided support services. ECP also provided spectacles and medicines.

C. Inauguration Event:

A brief inauguration event was held at the school sight testing site on October 11, 2017. The Founder of JAAGO Foundation Mr. Korvi Rakshand, MSS Executive Director A N M Emam Hasanath, MSS Adviser Tarikul Ghani, JAAGO and ECP team members were in attendance along with hundreds of students of the school.

D. Services Provided:

Name of the School

No. of Screened students

Distributed Spectacles

Distributed Medicine


JAAGO Foundation, Rayer Bazar School





JAAGO Foundation, Korail School 280 13 9


G. Awareness Raising Activities:

Surrounding the SSTP an awareness campaign was conducted among the students using the following materials:
• Posters – depicting basic eye care tips.
• Flyers – highlighting basic eye care tips.
• Awareness placards for school children showing indicators of problematic eyes.
ECP team members made an interactive presentation in each class room on basic eye care with the help of the posters and flyers. Flyers highlighting basic eye care tips were given out to the students for dissemination among their friends and families. The students evinced Interest on the presentation and asked questions.

H. Follow-up:

The SSTP identified two students with complex eye problems. They will be referred to specialists for addressing their problems. One student has a spot on the retina in left eye while another student cannot see with her right eye. ECP team will discuss with JAAGO and the parents of the students to determine appropriate treatment after further consultation with eye experts.

I. Challenges:

Difficult to manage reception students as they do not recognize alphabet and one student was very nervous during the screening process.



Awareness Materials




Newspaper Clips



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