Give The Gift Of Vision
Equipped with its experience in providing eye care services in Bangladesh MSS launched the Eye Care Program (ECP-MSS) in November 2015 with the aim to identify and treat preventable blindness among the underprivileged; to promote community awareness and education on eye health; and to increase capacity and access to eye care services, among others.
The forerunner of the Eye Care Program – MSS (ECP-MSS), the MSS Eye Vision Center (MSS-EVC) was established with the technical assistance of Sight Savers International in 2011 at Kalabagan in Dhaka city. Since its establishment the MSS-EVC has played an effective…
Eyes play a vital role in our day to day lives. People who have lost their sight or visually impaired have no idea of colors and objects which is a curse to their lives. Low vision and blindness have terrible effects on individuals, families and communities, such as decrease in quality of life, income loss, unemployment, high levels of poverty and social isolation as well.
Become A Volunteer Become A DonorEYE CARE PROGRAM-MSS
House # 119 (1st Floor), Flat # A1, Road # 4, Block # A, Banani, Dhaka- 1213, Bangladesh.
Head Office:
29 (3rd floor), SEL Center,
West Panthapath, Dhaka-1205
Contact: +88-01730024033, 01730024035.
E-mail: eyecareprogram.mss@gmail.com